Please read the following for more information about our most up-to-date Covid-19 policies.
(Updated March 11, 2022)
As of Friday, March 11, 2022, in line with B.C. provincial health orders, masks are no longer required in indoor public spaces but continue to remain an option for all clients without judgment. We recognize that all clients and staff may be in different places when it comes to this transition, given their individual assessed risk. As a clinic we commit to lead with compassion and kindness toward those who may choose to remain masked at this time, and we ask all clients to do the same. In light of these changes, Providence Therapy will operate under the Communicable Disease Safety Plan outlined below:
- To allow for a transitionary period for all clients and staff to communicate their risk and comfort levels, therapists will continue to wear masks in indoor public areas of the clinic, such as the waiting room and The Brain Bar, until Friday, March 18, 2022. During this time, your counsellor will have a conversation with you to determine your comfort level with mask-wearing moving forward.
- While we recommend everyone wear a mask when entering the clinic and in common spaces, starting Saturday, March 19th, 2022, each therapist and client may assess based on their individual risk level whether or not they’d like to wear one in the future, given the recent policy change. For clients who’d prefer to wear a mask, while we’re unable to enforce that others who enter the clinic will do so, as clinicians we commit to wearing our masks when we’re with you out of respect for your comfort level.
- As primary healthcare providers, at this point in time, we are not mandating vaccinations or enforcing passports to access our services. As a clinic whose core values include accessibility, we do not want vaccine status to be a barrier to accessing our services. We are, however, committed to the health and safety of everyone who enters our doors. While not required, vaccine status can provide helpful information to your therapist in determining exposure risk for you and others. Everyone’s health and safety is our first priority. While optional, if you believe your vaccine status is a relevant consideration when booking appointments, please speak with your therapist directly to determine possible accommodations.
- It’s the policy position of Providence Therapy to strongly recommend all staff be vaccinated against COVID-19. However, we also support the right to personal choice regarding vaccination status. In cases where staff members have chosen not to be vaccinated, they’re required to disclose this decision, and their reason for it (e.g., personal choice, religious, medical, etc.), to the company for review in order to develop and implement necessary accommodations. Some clients may believe their therapist’s vaccine status is a relevant consideration when assessing their personal risk. Please speak with your therapist directly if that is a concern and our clinicians will gladly disclose their vaccine status and discuss possible accommodations with you.
- It’s recommended that KN95-style masks be worn to mitigate risk of the Omicron variant. KN95-style masks are available at the front desk for purchase at $2 for those who would like one.
- We maintain a no-symptom rule for both therapists and clients. If you (or your counsellor) has any symptoms outlined on the prescreening, we will shift the session to virtual to protect ourselves and those in our community.
- A friendly reminder that we will be maintaining our 48-hour cancellation policy despite the current rise in Omicron cases. We recognize that, for many, symptoms of COVID-19 will be mild or asymptomatic. For the consideration of our therapists, and to offer the best continuity of care we can, mild or asymptomatic individuals unable to attend their in-person appointments, and individuals self-isolating due to exposure only, will be automatically moved to Teletherapy appointment alternatives or our cancellation policy will apply.
- If you have extenuating circumstances or unique concerns/considerations, we ask that you reach out to your therapist directly to determine the best course of action for your needs. For symptomatic individuals, please contact your therapist in advance to determine cancellation options.
- Our clinic offers excellent ventilation and optimal space for physical distancing. We will continue to keep our HEPA filters running in the offices and have hand sanitizer available. Our cleaning regime will also remain the same, with each therapist encouraged to sanitize their workspace before and after they use it.
- Our beverage options will remain open.
- We will continue to ask you to fill out our COVID-19 questionnaire prior to in-office sessions until we receive further direction.
- Teletherapy has always been an option and will continue to be an option in the future.
- We will continue to honour the needs of our counsellors as our first priority to ensure the best possible care for you. Therapists will therefore determine their own in-office and virtual hours.
As always, we are committed to providing quality services and appreciate your business and continued support. If you have any questions or concerns about our policies, please do not hesitate to speak with your therapist directly or contact us at