How to:
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built for leaders.

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A buffet for your brain

Life presents a myriad of challenges that can be emotional, mental, or even physiological in nature. Not everyone is ready for or interested in traditional counseling, and that's perfectly okay.

We're here to offer an array of tailored solutions that address your specific needs, whether you've had prior counseling experiences or you're taking your first steps into mental health support.

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We get your neurophysiology

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In the complex landscape of mental health and stress reduction, your well-being is our top priority.

We're here to provide tailored solutions that address your specific needs, whatever they may be.

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Customizable Solutions.

Each individual's journey is unique.

Our treatments are designed to be adaptable and customizable, ensuring that your specific needs are met for a truly personalized experience.

CLINICAL Q EEG Assessment & EEG BioFeedback Neurofeedback

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Treatment at the brain bar is guided by an individual’s specific brain profile as compared to normative clinical databases. Sometimes we just need more information about what’s going on. Which is why we offer: Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, & Clinical QEEG Assessments. For Clients with several complex concerns or who have stalled in their progress with other treatments, a more complete 5-point clinical QEEG assessment may be a necessary step. A QEEG assessment visit is used to help empower our clients with information regarding their brain physiology, and to advise therapists to better understand their clients presenting symptomology. The result informs what Neurotherapy training systems may be best suited to our client's needs, and allows for the development of a truly customized treatment plan.EEG Biofeedback/ Active Neurofeedback is a non-pharmaceutical-based training that helps balance the body’s self-regulating capacity. Neurofeedback is biofeedback but with a focus on the central nervous system and brain, in which specific attention is paid to assisting a client in their ability to regulate their autonomic nervous system. The focus of EEG Biofeedback is to train brainwave electrical frequencies to communicate information more efficiently: sort of like fixing up a car so it can most efficiently transport important cargo from point A to point B. The result of this training can lead to improvement in a myriad of physical and emotional symptoms.

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Lens & Body Lens - Low energy Neurofeedback

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One of our specialized interventions is the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) Direct Neurofeedback. This cutting-edge therapy provides a unique approach to helping individuals reset their brains and improve overall functioning.

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David Delight Pro David System

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Your healing journey is unique. That's why we are dedicated to providing holistic and trauma-informed support to all our clients in their path to wellness. As part of our commitment to offering cutting-edge treatment options, we are proud to introduce the David Delight Pro from Mind Alive Inc. This innovative device serves as an excellent complement to our other therapeutic approaches, especially for individuals whose neurological imbalances may be interconnected to their chronic mental health symptoms.

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Body Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBM)

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We are excited to introduce two innovative therapies that have shown remarkable benefits: the Regenesis 3 photonic stimulator and The Rouge Pro G3 red light therapy panel by Rouge Canada. ‍The Regenesis 3 photonic stimulator utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver concentrated wavelengths of natural red and near-infrared light directly into the skin and cells of the body. This therapy, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), has remarkable healing properties. It promotes cellular regeneration, enhances circulation, and reduces inflammation, allowing your body to heal and recover naturally.

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Transcranial Photobiomodulation Therapy

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Unlock the future of brain health with the Neuradiant 1070 PLUS system—a groundbreaking treatment like no other. Unlike traditional therapies, this system channels energy directly to your brain cells, supercharging blood flow and actually aiding the development of new neural connections. Supported by an impressive 5000+ studies, it offers hope for conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Immune Disorders, Head Injuries, PTSD, Anxiety and more. With the support of egg assessments, the Neuradiant 1070 PLUS crafts personalized treatment plans, promising enhanced cognition, improved circulation, and superior sleep quality—all with minor to no bothersome side effects; and has shown to improve neuro therapy outcomes. Discover the path to a healthier mind; let's talk about how this non-invasive therapy can elevate your mental well-being. Your journey to a brighter brain begins here.

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Heart Rate Variability Training

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HRV Biofeedback acts to guide you in using paced, even, and relaxed breathing techniques to calm the "fight or flight" stress responses that can often remain, even if a clear threat or immediate danger is not present. HRV Biofeedback allows us to retrain our biology, and stress levels, by activating the Vagus Nerve which slows your heart rate. HRV Biofeedback provides physiological information about what our body is doing, and how it is changing, in real-time, so we can train its response. HRV has shown to be especially effective for those with high-pressure jobs, public speaking, or sports, but can be helpful for individuals who have dysregulated nervous systems after trauma.Providence Therapy Integrates different forms of HRV Biofeedback including Heartmath and Alive Biofeedback systems.

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VR Virtual Reality Integrations

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Cutting-edge interventions using the modern technology of the Oculus VR headset. These interventions are designed to enhance traditional therapeutic approaches and provide a unique and immersive healing experience for our clients.

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Muse Meditation Biofeedback Training

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Wanting to add Meditation into your routine, but are struggling to get started or stay motivated? We hear you! That’s why we love the Muse meditation trainer. Muse is an EEG biofeedback device widely used by neuroscience researchers around the world. It uses advanced data collecting and processing functions together and interprets your mental activity, and sends it back in real-time to the training devices to help guide you in your meditative practice. With access to Muse Premium through The Brain Bar, you also have access to over 500 Guided Meditations from renowned meditation instructors including collections like sleep, performance, stress, and more. You can also consult with your Brain Bar Technician to review your post-session reports in real-time to assess your progress and personalize your training experience.

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Your treatment should be too.

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